NCX 2005

Section Title Implemented Tests Comments
8.3 ncx 0.4 0.4
8.3 head 0.4 0.4
8.3 smilCustomTest N/A N/A Not used in OPF (OPF 2.0.1§2.4.2).
8.3 meta 0.4 0.4
8.3 docTitle / text 0.4 0.4
8.3 docAuthor / text 0.4 0.4
8.3 audio N/A N/A Not used in OPF (OPF 2.0.1§2.4.2).
8.3 img N/A N/A Images are not supported.
8.3 navMap 0.4 0.4
8.3 navPoint 0.4 0.4 Points to an XML element in OPF (OPF 2.0.1§2.4.2).
8.3 navLabel / text 0.4 0.4
8.3 navInfo / text N/A N/A Extended toc descriptions are not supported.
8.3 content 0.4 0.4
8.3 pageList N/A N/A Documents are not rendered as pages.
8.3 pageTarget N/A N/A Documents are not rendered as pages.
8.3 navList N/A N/A Only table of contents are supported.
8.3 navTarget N/A N/A Only table of contents are supported.
8.4.1 dtb:uid 0.4 0.4
8.4.1 dtb:depth 0.4 0.4 Not required in OPF (OPF 2.0.1§2.4.2).
8.4.1 dtb:generator 0.4 0.4 Not required in OPF (OPF 2.0.1§2.4.2).
8.4.1 dtb:totalPageCount 0.4 0.4 Not required in OPF (OPF 2.0.1§2.4.2).
8.4.1 dtb:maxPageNumber 0.4 0.4 Not required in OPF (OPF 2.0.1§2.4.2).


  1. Specification for the Digital Talking Book. NISO 2005.